Nalbinding is an ancient Viking method of knitting. It's done with just a large bone, horn or wood needle and wool yarn. What is unique about it is that you can actually cut it with a scissors and it won't unravel like crochet or knitting do. When done with a thick wool yarn the hats, stockings and gloves are very thick and warm! If you check out the hats on my website you can see that many are made with the nalbinding technique.
Recently I was challenged to use up some of my yarn stash so I decided to try nalbinding socks for the first time! Here is how they started out:
Recently I was challenged to use up some of my yarn stash so I decided to try nalbinding socks for the first time! Here is how they started out:
Here you can see that I left an opening for the heel and went back to fill it in. That was something new for me, but I figured it out!
Both socks are finished. The heels turned out more square than I wanted, so I decided to felt them. Felting is done by agitating the wool in hot soapy water and then cold water.... just like accidentally shrinking a wool sweater. I concentrated on the heels as they were way too big; while the rest of the sock was only a little too big.
Here you can see that the heel in the top sock is felted and the rest shrunk a little too. Now I will felt the bottom sock so it is the same size. These are pretty thick, so I think they will be slippers as they are too thick to fit into my boots!
Here are some of the hats I have made. I sell these online and at events I attend. I also teach classes on how to nalbind; let me know if you are interested!